
Sophie Tieman Gets Real About Her Third Trimester.

Sophie Tieman Gets Real About Her Third Trimester.

We asked @sophietieman to ‘Get Real with Ripe’ sharing her mental and physical struggles in the third trimester, and what she’s most looking forward to about becoming a mum. 

Plus, see what Sophie is packing in her Hospital Bag.

I’ve often heard the last couple of weeks of pregnancy are the hardest, which always made sense to me given you’re so close to the finish line and probably feeling really heavy. But I had no idea of the mental toll it takes to get through this period.

What has been the hardest part of pregnancy?

Mentally, I have begun to overthink about how much my life is about to change - particularly around my relationships. My relationship with my husband, my friends, and even myself. And these thoughts can often have sad connotations because it's all unknown being a first-time mum.

Physically, I have always been a very active person. My Third Trimester has been quite tough on my body, so being forced to slow down and even stop all forms of physical activity has been hard. At times I have felt like my body is about to crumble, experiencing severe pelvic pain (Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction and Lightning Crotch) and hip pain.

But amidst all of these feelings, watching my body grow and nurture a baby, without putting any thought to it, has been absolutely magical to witness. I am in awe of the female body.  

What are you most looking forward to about becoming a mum?

There is so much I am looking forward to about becoming a mum. I look forward to creating a kind and nurturing family unit. I look forward to creating heartwarming memories with my wider family. I look forward to being someone's go-to and teaching them about the beauty of life, and all of its opportunities.

What are some things you do on your ‘hard days’ that make you feel better?

The powers of a hot shower! I purchased a light plastic chair online and when I am having a rough day physically or mentally, I will sit under the shower imagining everything wash away. I have also turned to some guided pregnancy meditations which really help taking your mind off things. 

What’s one thing you can’t wait to do/eat/drink postpartum?

I can't wait to sleep on my back.

I can't wait to eat sashimi.

I cant wait to drink a smooth red wine!